Southwest Virginia Community Health Systems’ four community health centers are taking up donations for worthy causes within each of the local service areas in celebration of National Health Center Week (NHCW).
Each community health center decided on a cause that was important to their service area to take up a certain set of donations for. Community health centers are located in Saltville, VA, Bristol, VA, Tazewell, VA, and Meadowview, VA.
NHCW is an annual celebration with the goal of raising awareness about the mission and accomplishments of America’s health centers over the past five decades.
Health centers provide preventive and primary care services to over 30 million people and are the first to respond with wrap around care during disasters and health emergencies. Our model of care is driven by services needed in each unique community. Together, we are the backbone of the nation’s primary care system. Community Health Centers lower health care costs to the tune of $24 billion a year reducing the rate of chronic diseases and stimulating local economies.
Saltville Community Health Center is taking up donations for local house fire victims. The Bowman family lost their home on July 31, 2023 on Old Wilderness Road. The husband and wife state that anything will be helpful. The female wears a size 18-20 in pants, XL in shirts, and 8.5 in shoes. The male wears a 36×32 in pants, L in shirts, and 10.5 in shoes.
Meadowview Community Health Center is taking up food donations for Faith in Action in Abingdon, VA.
Needed items include saltine crackers, peanut butter, canned vegetables, canned fruits, canned meats, canned pasta, canned beans, tuna, cold cereal, bagged rice, bagged beans, snack crackers, instant potatoes, instant dressing, and noodles. Cash donations can also be made. For all donations (food or cash), the donor will be entered to win a $25 Food City gift card.
Bristol Community Health Center is taking up donations for Amanda’s Closet with a focus on men’s clothing and food that is easy access for homeless patients. Each New Day Recovery site (Saltville, Bristol, and Tazewell) has an Amanda’s Closet that accepts new or gently used clothing and personal hygiene product donations to give away to New Day Recovery patients in need. Amanda’s Closet at each location is always accepting donations of new or gently used clothing and personal hygiene products to give away to New Day Recovery patients that are in need.
Tazewell Community Health Center is taking up donations for the local animal shelters. Items needed are dog food, cat food, cat litter, treats, and new blankets.
All donation drives will run through Friday, September 1, 2023. For questions regarding the specific donation drive, please contact the community health center at 276-496-4492.
Southwest Virginia Community Health Systems has locations in Saltville, Meadowview, Tazewell, and Bristol. To schedule an appointment, please contact 276-496-4492.